a plant-dyed celebration of spring March 22 2025

these plant-dyed treasure boxes are a celebration of spring...
as the view outside my studio starts to bloom with early spring color, i bundled soft pink fabrics with all the shades of green, yellow, and blue to reflect the fresh spring energy. i feel so excited this time of year. making thoughtfully curated treasure boxes is a delightful way slow down and savor the seasonal transition.
each sturdy 4.5 x 4.5 x 2” cardboard matchbox-style box is covered in a plant-dyed 5 ounce cotton/hemp muslin patchwork piece with a removable felt flower pin attached in the corner. the materials included in the treasure box can be used to make the same patchwork quilt and flower on the cover.
spring treasure box contents:
• [1] 6 x2” piece of indigo-dyed heavy canvas
• [5] 11.5 x 3” pieces of plant-dyed 5 ounce cotton/hemp muslin
• [10] 2.5” squares of plant-dyed wool felt tied with wool gauze
• [2] 36” strands of 1” plant-dyed silk ribbon (1 big wooden spool)
• [4] 36” strands of 1/2” plant-dyed silk ribbon (2 small wooden spools)
• cordage instruction booklet
• card with link to felt flower pin sewing tutorial
• [2] collarless safety pins
DYES: black tea • chlorophyllin extract • cutch • dyers chamomile • fustic • gallo tanin • indigo • iron • logwood • madder root • marigold • onion skin • rubenza cosmo • scabiosa • soda ash • waddle • weld
the plant-dyed silk ribbon is perfect for making cordage, there is a little instruction book tucked in the box. the squares of wool felt are the right size for flower pins, and the same felt i am using for the 100 day project.
my 100 day project began with a grid of varied shades of plant-dyed yellow squares and a pinned cluster of plant-dyed wool felt in each square. each day i stitch the details on a new flower. i hope the contents of the treasure box will inspire you to dive in to a creative practice, too.
this treasure box lends itself to small, patchwork projects and meaningful decorations like flowers, ornaments and amulets. you can look at my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials for inspiration. happy stitching!
PS: is that myra or a strange new houseplant?
how i use my extra large hand-bound journals March 01 2025

i made these extra large journals for myself for years before making them for my shop.
i didn’t realize how many of you would appreciate these great big books, they initially felt quite specific to my creative process. it is also challenging to find a large enough piece of plant-dyed fabric for the back and cover that is free of flaws. i now love to celebrate the “imperfections” in my plant-dyed fabrics, embracing the mottled and variegated tones and using patches and stitch work.

i am always a little surprised at how quickly i can fill one of these 116-page books. each time i make a new one for myself, i make a batch for my shop.
how do i use my books?
• i fill my journals with to-do lists, brainstorms, drawings, project plans, and notes. the pages show me the way my mind works and the pages unfold in a chronology to document how i spend my days. i am constantly referring back.
• my journals are stuffed full of pages torn from magazines, copies of inspiring images from books, and bits of fabric and thread. i use a glue stick, all sorts of tapes, and straight pins to attach things to my pages.
• the extra large pages give me freedom to explore – i use the spread in all different orientations.
• most importantly, my books are not precious. i am not afraid to use them. i do not evaluate if something is “important enough” to take up space. this freedom is an essential part of my creative process.
from left to right: i had my big book with me as I explored applique quilts with sara buscaglia from farm & folk (and a great group of fellow students) at an inspiring workshop hosted by botanical colors. • designing iterations for a new DIY kit • filling pages with flower sketches as i make plant-dyed wool felt blooms for my 100 day project. • preparing to teach a stitching class at the lamb & kid, i take notes and outline the plan for the afternoon.
whether you fill the pages of your extra-large handbound journal with sketches or poems or lists or garden plans, i hope it inspires your creativity in an expansive way.
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i received a handful of requests to include a small pair of scissors with the plant-dyed needle book with pocket. this little pair fits perfectly and comes with a plant-dyed tip cover, you can order your needle book with or without the snips. this makes a perfect little traveling sewing kit.

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there was a hummingbird buzzing outside my window this morning and the birds on my property are going crazy. spring is in the air! find spring-inspired stitching projects in my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials. happy stitching!
PS: myra is requesting to be included in the pages of my extra-large hand bound journal.
stitching up handmade love... January 25 2025
it feels like a very good time to send love to the people we cherish.
stitching lightens my heart and shifts my mood. i made these little beaded hearts for my dearest friends and family (inspired by my new DIY hearts kit) and they brought me so much joy that i made a little collection for my shop.
the beaded hearts are made from wool felt dyed in my home dye studio with plants and flowers from my garden. the hearts are embellished with vintage beads and antique sequins and hang from a 37” strand of plant-dyed silk cordage. each heart is a tiny treasure. i LOVE making cordage. i used a single paddle of plant-dyed silk ribbon for the hearts in this project. if you’d like to make your own cordage, you can request the complementary little instructional booklet when you order ribbon.
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the first batch of cat & dog hearts for pasadena humane sold out...
so i made more! do you spot your furry friend in the collection? these are some of my absolute favorite things to make, and it feels good to be helping animals in need.
50% from the sale of each dog & cat heart will be donated to pasadena humane.
they are working tirelessly to provide shelter and vet care to displaced and lost animals as a result of the devastating LA fires.
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these choker-style necklaces are sweetly packaged and ready for valentine's day gifting.
hand-cast, recycled bronze charms hang from a 16" crocheted cord with a sterling silver lobster clasp. each necklace comes packaged in a plant-dyed fabric covered matchbox with a plant-dyed wool felt insert.
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i created a new DIY hearts kit: roots, bloom, wings and flame.
you can stitch up some little hearts for someone you love or gift a kit to your favorite stitcher.
you can find lots of heart & love themed gifts on my website.
last day to order is monday, february 3rd.
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i have always loved making handmade valentines. find some inspiration for your own handstitched love in my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials.
happy stitching!
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PS: myra is always ready to help, but alas... she cannot iron.
dogs and cats have my heart (a fundraiser for pasadena humane) January 18 2025
i was already making these hearts for cats and dogs when the LA fires began.
the sadness i feel for the pets and the people who love their animals is profound. i know this is a small aspect of a truly widespread and devastating disaster, but it is where i am pouring my love and energy today. my pets mean so much to me, they are often the only ones i want to talk to and hug. they are members of my family, and for some people their pets ARE their family.
50% from the sale of the dog & cat hearts will be donated to pasadena humane.
they are working tirelessly to provide shelter and vet care to displaced and lost animals. i am working on another batch, so if these sell out there will be more available soon.
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i am so excited about this new four heart DIY kit.
this project has been percolating in my mind for a long time. drawings of these little hearts have graced the pages of my extra large journal so many times. i finally got them just right and made a kit in time for valentine’s day. create the roots, bloom, flame, and wings with plant-dyed silk ribbon and decorate each heart with the little metal beads in the kit. the wool felt for this project was dyed in my home dye studio with plants and flowers from my dye garden. the kit is a great jumping off point to incorporate some of your own favorite beads and threads in the decoration.
find the DIY kit here and stitch up some little hearts for someone you love, or gift a kit to your favorite stitcher for valentine’s day.
you can find lots of heart & love themed gifts on my website.
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i have always loved making handmade valentines. find some inspiration for your own handstitched love in my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials. happy stitching!
PS: myra oversaw the production of the heavily stitched cat & dog hearts.
a great big new book to start the year January 04 2025

any time is the right time to start a journal, but there is something special when a fresh book aligns with the beginning of a new year.

often at the end of an extremely busy time filled with deadlines, i feel a bit lost and overwhelmed. surrounded by a messy studio and the endless possibilities of what to work on next, i begin to spin. this year was different, as i had laid the foundation and was able to jump in to this project with intention and excitement. carefully choosing right pieces of fabric from my ever-growing plant-dyed stash, meditatively tearing pages, and stitching books is just what i needed to slow down and re-connect. i made eight extra-large hand bound journals which are now in my shop, and i will keep the one that is left. i can’t wait to start my new journal.

this extra large journal is an essential part of my creative practice. i fill mine with to-do lists and ideas, sketches and inspiration, project plans and notes. it is stuffed full of photocopies of inspiring pages of books, torn pages of magazines, and bits of fabric as i explore color palettes. it is not precious, i am not careful with how quickly i fill the pages, i am not afraid to use it.
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here are some other journals if the extra large journal is not for you. perhaps you are looking for something to start the year that will fit in your day bag or pocket. i have stocked my shop with all different sizes: the daily practice extra thick journals (small batch), the classic slim hand bound journals, the little felt journals, and the pocket notebooks.

the start of the year is also one of my favorite times to learn something new... if you would like to make your own books, you can find DIY bookbinding kits and DIY accordion fold book kits in my shop as well. the process is addictive, and once you learn the basics it is endlessly adaptable to books of all shapes and sizes.

PS: myra is pondering her intentions for the new year.

free stitching projects for cozy dark days December 21 2024
happy solstice!
i look forward to the return of the light, but these long cozy nights are perfect for stitching.
while my holiday shipping deadline has come and gone, i wanted to remind you of the over 50 free sewing tutorials on my website. you will find perfect projects for holiday gifting, stocking stuffing, decorating, and so much more. a handmade gift is the most special kind of gift. i hope you find something inspiring in the collection - i love creating these projects for you.
pin cushion bracelet • needle book with pocket • scissor slip • pocket notebook
felt hair clip • floral pins • bear pocket pal • floral uterus pins
festive donkey • little house • tree & mushroom ornament • holiday stars
best pet award • rat for a cat • finger puppet • angel kitty
scrappy coasters • tabletop tree • thick felt coasters • flower stem
gift bag • stitched cards • felt pocket • hanging bud vase (for a plant cutting)
cup cozy • little star wand • crescent moon & stars• keep an eye on your heart
need materials?
while these projects can be made with remnants from your own fabric stash, you can also find plant-dyed linen, hemp, wool felt, silk ribbon, and sashiko thread in my shop. these will ship before christmas but may not arrive until after the holidays.
PS: myra would like for me to ship all of this and pay attention to her.
the daily practice hand-bound journal December 14 2024

a year (or more) contained in a very thick, 366 page journal.

if you are prolific, you can fill up a page each day. i have tiny handwriting and love the idea of making this a multi-year journal. i have been writing a quote of the day, defining new words, making daily drawings, copying my favorite lines from books, writing down the most outrageous thing that happened, recording my reflections on the news of the bigger world, making lists... my ideas of how to use this book shift in unforeseen ways so my book is a wandering assortment of thoughts, drawings, and plans.

i know many people like to begin a journal on the first day of a new year, but you can make the start date any time. i started mine on the day my cat jeff died. i felt stopped in my tracks and reflective that day (and i am not one that stops, i seem to always have a forward momentum). i love my daily practice journal so much that i made a small collection for my shop.

50% from the sale of the little houses will be donated to habitat for humanity.

writing this newsletter brought back memories of my old cat, jeff. i have projects for animal lovers in my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials. a best pet award, angel kitty ornament, or finger puppet would be a sweet stocking stuffer. the rat for a naughty cat was jeff’s favorite toy. happy stitching!

PS: myra thought it was a good idea to oversee the photo shoot for the little house free sewing tutorial. so helpful, as always.

making time to slow down during the sprint December 07 2024

the holiday surge fills me up and creatively fuels me in an inexplicable way. my studio is absolute chaos, the to-do list is daunting, sleep is elusive, and yet i thrive on it ALL. i find that when i have countless orders to fill and projects to complete, i want to pause everything and create something new. luckily i now know this about myself, and understand that my high productivity needs to be balanced with untethered creativity. i can give myself permission to carve out a bit of time to explore a new idea (even though it feels crazy). during this holiday bustle, i decided to make an extra special plant-dyed treasure crate for the stitcher.

this holiday treasure crate is wrapped in a 15 x 32” piece of marigold dyed organic cotton cheesecloth and is tied with tea-dyed silk ribbon, a strand of madrona berries (my favorite special thing), and a bell. in addition to the fabric inside, i have tucked in an indigo thread wrapped charm hanging from a strand of gold cordage (this can be worn as a necklace or hung as a decoration). you will also find a one-of-a-kind plant-dyed wool felt “crazy quilt” pin cushion. it is filled with crushed walnut hulls (to keep your needles sharp) and has leather lining the base of the interior (to keep pins and needles from poking through the back).

i have also been happily stitching up little house decorations, simply because i love them. they are the perfect way to use my precious plant-dyed wool felt trimmings. each one hangs from a long strand of crocheted mohair silk yarn, comes packaged on a little blank card (perfect for writing a gift note), and comes tucked inside a plant-dyed muslin bag.
50% from the sale of the little houses will be donated to habitat for humanity.

the new DIY sparkle star ornament kit also uses my plant-dyed wool felt. each kit is a different color (you choose a color family knowing that there is variation). it includes materials, a detailed instruction booklet, and template for making one star that is embroidered on both sides with gold thread, stitched with plant-dyed thread, stuffed with buckwheat hulls, and hangs from a tea dyed hand-torn silk ribbon. if you prefer to purchase a made sparkle star, i have also put a very small collection (only one of each color) in my shop.

and last... all of my holiday stitching means i have a bounty of scraps! my last batch of plant-dyed wool felt trimmings sold out quickly. a 5.5 x 7” plant-dyed muslin bag is overflowing with wool felt that was dyed in my home dye studio with plants and flowers from my dye garden. this homegrown color palette can be used to add pops of color to embroidery projects, stitching your own crazy quilt pin cushions, or making your own little house ornaments. for more inspiration, take a peek at my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials.

whether you are looking to stitch up holiday decor or make a handmade gift, you will find lots of ideas in my collection of free sewing tutorials. they also can be printed out and gifted to your favorite stitcher along with an assortment of felt and fabric.
happy stitching!
PS: myra is a constant lap-warmer this time of year which does not help my productivity.

the accordion fold book: a place to hold memories November 23 2024

staying present, paying attention, and tending to memories feels elusive to me in this digital age.

once you learn the method, the possibilities are endless. you can make modifications based on the paper you have access to and/or the book size you plan to make. it is easy to add more pages for a thicker book or use larger paper for a bigger book. i love to make tiny books out of a single sheet of 8.5 x 11” cardstock. i am currently making one filled with tiny stitchings.

finding solace in creativity, nature, and community November 16 2024

i have harvested all the flowers and put my dye garden to bed for the season.

each box top is covered in wool gauze with a small hand stitched flower in the corner. a 28” strand of plant-dyed silk cordage adorned with flowers at each end wraps around the treasure box. this can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or hung as decoration.

this treasure box lends itself to small, patchwork projects and meaningful decorations like ornaments and amulets. you can look at my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials for inspiration. happy stitching!
PS: it is not easy to get work done with myra always trying to squeeze in my lap.

a traveling sewing kit: bundled up and ready to go November 09 2024

i am more likely to pick up a project and stitch in my free time when everything i need is collected in one place.

i made a small batch of traveling sewing kits for my shop. they are machine stitched out of plant-dyed organic cotton/hemp fabric and are available in five colors: charcoal, green, red, terracotta, and walnut. i stitched “bursts” on the outside and inner pocket and filled it with my favorite notions.

the stitch the design DIY kits tuck perfectly into the traveling sewing kit. these little pieces of art are inspired by weavings, paintings, prints, and quilts...recreated with stitch marks. these tiny, densely stitched pieces are an ode to some of my favorite handwork. the original works live in my favorite art books; the pages have been marked as inspiration for years. i look to them because the patterns, movement, and colors are unusual and appealing. each little stitching is intended to adorn your wall or be worn as a necklace. it can be finished as a pocket or a square.

original design inspiration: early 20th century kantha stitchwork • 1940s folk art quilts • the paintings of georgia o’keefe • the weavings of sheila hicks • the paintings of paul klee • traditional star quilts
both the traveling sewing kit and the stitch the design DIY kits are sweet stocking stuffer ideas and perfect little gifts to yourself as we cozy up inside or adventure away from home. regardless of where your stitching takes you, i hope it brings you a sense of peace and a moment of solace.

whether you are stitching tabletop decor for the upcoming holidays or you need a tiny friend to bring a little joy, my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials has you covered. happy stitching!

PS: myra continues to be oh so helpful in the studio.

fall plant-dyed treasure box for the stitcher 🌻 October 19 2024

for years i have been gathering information about natural dyes.

then one day, without a plan or a specific outcome in mind, i got started. with the knowledge collected and the foundation laid, i just needed to remove the pressure of perfection.
now dyeing is a part of my regular routine, and working with plant dyes feels intuitive, experimental, and exciting. coaxing color from plants has changed my work and my life. i love my materials and feel so inspired to use them.
i made a new fall treasure box for the stitcher filled with a plant-dyed color palette that reflects the transition between summer and fall.
the palette of the fabrics, thread, and silk ribbon in this treasure box is an exploration of marigolds and sunflowers from my dye garden. i played with different additions to the dye pot: cochinel, cutch, iron, madder root, and sappenwood (all from botanical colors). each box top is covered in wool gauze with a small hand stitched flower in the corner. a 28” strand of plant-dyed silk cordage adorned with flowers at each end wraps around the treasure box. this can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or hung as decoration.
the materials included in the treasure box can be used to make the same cordage and flowers on the cover. the box is filled with 5 colors each of flax linen and wool felt, and 2 colors each of wool gauze, sashiko thread, and silk ribbon. you will also find a booklet with instructions and photos for making your own cordage and a sewing needle suitable for the sashiko thread.
my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials includes lots of projects for using up small pieces of precious fabric. happy stitching!
PS: myra likes to oversee the dye process.
introducing the new imperfect patch kit... October 05 2024

creating the NEW imperfect patchwork & little stitchings kit, along with all of the add-ons, has been a long and thoughtful process.

the pouch is machine-stitched out of plant-dyed organic cotton/hemp and is lined in indian block-printed cotton with a stitched cotton twill wrap closure. it has an internal divider so you can keep your fabric and thread separate from your notions and tools. the kit measures 8 x 6” with 1.5" gusset and a 30” closure.

• tape measure covered in plant-dyed wool felt (felt color corresponds to pouch)
• my favorite small scissors with plant-dyed wool felt tip cover (felt color corresponds to pouch)
• seam ripper
• imperfect patchwork & little stitchings booklet: a 28-page booklet filled with patching instructions and full-color stitching inspiration
THREAD: (2 yards of each color)
• 4 colors of sashiko thread (3 plant-dyed colors and 1 natural/undyed): perfect for any embroidery.
• 5 colors of mohair/silk yarn from The Lamb & Kid: works well on any fabric, especially woolens, to add bursts of color.
• 7 colors of cotton embroidery floss: the 6 strands of embroidery floss can be separated to the desired thread thickness.
5 colors of plant-dyed 5 ounce hemp linen: green, terracotta, charcoal, lavender/brown, and ochre
5 colors of plant-dyed 9 ounce organic cotton/hemp muslin: green, terracotta, charcoal, lavender/brown, and ochre
5 colors of plant-dyed wool felt: assorted colors dyed in my home dye studio with home grown flowers
HANDMADE PLANT DYED ORGANIC COTTON/HEMP & FELT NEEDLE BOOK:(needle book is made out of the same plant-dyed fabric as the pouch)
• 3 sewing needles: 7 sharp for 1-2 ply embroidery floss, 3 sharp for sashiko thread and 3-6 ply of embroidery floss, 22 chenille needle for mohair/silk yarn
• (5) 1.5” glass headed straight pins
• (5) 1” straight pins
• 4 collarless safety pins
i have also created a collection of add-ons, extras that i keep in my personal kit.
• the ephemera bundle includes special plant-dyed fabrics (cotton gauze, wool crepe, and velvet), printed tea-dyed patches, antique lace, vintage beads, and antique sequins.• i stuffed a little foraging bucket with plant-dyed wool felt scraps. this homegrown color palette can be used to add pops of color to embroidery projects, stitching tiny quilts, and making patches.
• the raw edge linen pocket notebook is the perfect size to tuck into the kit, a place for sketches, doodles, notes, inspiration and dreams.
• the extra tools include a glue stick (for tacking down patches while stitching), hemostat forceps (for pulling a needle through thick fabric like canvas or denim) and my favorite thimble. these come packaged in a plant-dyed muslin bag (colors vary).
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there is a chill in the air! find these fall-inspired stitching projects in my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials. happy stitching!
PS: after a few weeks of travel, this is exactly where i want to be. in my garden picking dye flowers and snuggling myra, who actually seems to enjoy being in this front pack.
the rainbow of colors from my dye garden August 17 2024

*see the end of the newsletter for the books and resources that i refer to for inspiration.

the first thing i made with the bounty was this needle book with an essential pocket. i always have a needle book or pin cushion close by, but i wanted something that i could tuck small snips and thread in to. i added a pocket for a perfect little book that fits in my pocket. i keep one in my knitting bag as well, the little pocket is just the right size for stitch markers and my needle tips. i loved this project so much that i turned it into a free sewing tutorial and added a small collection of plant-dyed fabric bundles to my shop so you can make your own.

and what to do with all the plant-dyed trimmings? i am obsessed with finding a use for my remnants, and these little scraps feel extra precious. i began piecing together a crazy mini scrap quilt, working each piece within a color family. it is a perfect wind-down project for me. do you need something meditative as the season begins to shift? i’ll be posting a giveaway soon on instagram for a full rainbow of my plant-dyed wool felt scraps.

find the needle book with pocket along with my other favorite ‘traveling studio essentials’ in my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials. happy stitching!

PS: myra loves plant-dyed wool felt scraps too.

NATURAL DYE RESOURCES: Wild Color by Jenny Dean, Natural Palettes by Sasha Duerr, Quilt Alchemy by Sara Larson Buscaglia, and The Modern Natural Dyer by Kristine Vejar
Botanical Colors is a wealth of information, both their website and workshops.

out and about: market totes & foraging buckets July 20 2024
recently while sitting in the sun in my field, i stitched botanical designs on a small collection of market tote bags. it was a perfect day and i love how the bags turned out.

the market totes feature a hand stitched botanical design that carries around from the front to the back and are machine stitched with plant-dyed organic cotton/hemp. the bags are pre-washed and lined with indian block printed cotton. they are perfect for the farmer’s market, a craft project, or a wandering summer afternoon with a book, a journal, and a water bottle. small batch, there is only one available in each design.

i’ve also added a new batch of foraging buckets to the shop. these have become a staple in my home and studio. they are attached to my hip year round as i cannot resist collecting all of the goodness i find on my morning walks through the woods and in my garden. i also use them to hold sewing and knitting projects and to organize craft supplies. in the garden i use them for collecting dye flowers, beans and peas, berries, and seed pods.

i’ve had flowers and pollinators on my mind and in my stitching lately. you can find inspiration for both, and much more, in my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials. happy stitching!
PS: myra also loves the foraging buckets (this one is filled with my favorite mohair silk yarn from the lamb and kid). if only she could fit inside one...
a new favorite tool in my traveling studio: the pin cushion bracelet June 29 2024

i when i am on the road, i pack my traveling studio with only the essentials. i love the challenge of curating the perfect collection of tools and materials for the stack of projects that come with me.

i am regularly losing needles and pins in my lap and all around me, or i stick them in my clothes and forget that i did that only to get poked by them later. ever since we got a puppy (who is now a 3 year old dog) i have tried to be extra mindful of making sure to end my stitching with the same number of pins and needles that I started with. then i made myself a pin cushion bracelet and now i wonder why it took me so long. whether I am traveling, out in the field or sitting in a favorite spot in my house, this pin cushion bracelet is just what I needed.

i made small batch of pin cushion bracelets for my shop (there is only one available in each design). they are stitched out of plant-dyed wool felt (dyed by me in my home dye studio). each pin cushion is very densely stuffed with crushed walnut hulls to keep your needles sharp. there is a layer of leather lining the back side (tucked under the felt) so you don’t poke your wrist. i also made this available as a free sewing tutorial if you’d like to stitch your own.

two other essential pieces of my traveling studio are my plant-dyed simple hemp handbound journal and my plant-dyed botanical tape measure. the tape measures are back in stock, they sold out so fast last time!

you can build your own traveling studio... my collection of over 50 free sewing tutorials has projects to keep you organized and inspired this summer. happy stitching!
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
PS: thank you for all your love about the loss of jeff. myra continues to live her best life, happily squeezing in to all of the boxes and baskets without any competition. and while he is no longer this adorable puppy, hunker had grown up to be a big handsome boy who won’t get poked by pins and needles.
an ode to jeff the cat June 26 2024

i have had cats my entire life, and i have never met one quite like jeff. i adopted him from the humane society as a traumatized adult... i wish he could have told me what happened to him. the shelter had named him stumpy (because he had a strange cut off and curled tail) and the note on his cage described him as ‘friendly and angry.’ with that description and his dashing looks, he became mine.

i made this small batch of heavily stitched cat hearts in honor of jeff. stitching these was a balm for me. each one-of-a-kind heart is made with tea-dyed felt on the front, plant-dyed felt on the back, and is densely stuffed with buckwheat hulls. i used mohair/silk yarn from the lamb & kid for the pops of color, tassels and crocheted chain.

stitch up some love for an animal in your life... the projects below are two of my favorites. my collection of 50 free sewing tutorials is filled with ideas to keep your hands busy this summer. happy stitching!
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
PS: how is myra faring? she has much more of a personality without jeff and is thriving now that she has my lap and her food bowl all to herself.
delighting in the abundance of spring May 03 2024

color appears like magic as wool, silk, hemp, and cotton cloth extract the pigments from my plant dyes. this process gives me so much appreciation for the soil, the water, the sun, and the nurturers who care for the plants. i feel a whole new level of connection to my stitching and i want to share these fabrics with you. procuring these treasure boxes is a true pleasure.

so much care and consideration goes into the materials that are tucked into each treasure box. it is a slow and thoughtful process, and i feel such kinship to those who appreciate and delight in the contents. this particular box is especially robust and over stuffed - a metaphor for this season. (limited quantity available)
they are the perfect gift for a mentor, a mother, a friend, yourself...
i always prefer working with a limited collection of materials… fewer options expand my creativity, too many choices lead to overwhelm. i often feel hesitant to use fabrics that feel precious, it takes me some time to decide how to honor them in the best way. don’t be afraid to use these the samples i made (pictured below) i barely made a dent in the contents of the box.
each box is topped with a plant-dyed wool felt flower with antique sequins stitched using tussah silk and mohair/silk yarn. inside you will find:
• [1] 7 x4” piece of wool felt (dyed with madder, logwood & iron)
• [4] 6.25 x 5” pieces of plant-dyed wool crepe (assorted colors)
• [4] 6.25 x 4” pieces of plant-dyed organic cotton double gauze (assorted colors)
• [5] 1 yard x 1/2” lengths of plant-dyed silk ribbon on wooden spools (assorted colors)
• [1] 6 yard length of mohair/silk yarn on a tiny wooden spool (color varys)
• [1] 6 yard length of plant-dyed sashiko thread on a tiny wooden spool
• [1] 10 yard length of natural/undyed tussah silk thread on a tiny wooden spool
• [1] chenille hand sewing needle for mohair/silk yarn
• [1] sharp hand sewing needle for tussah silk thread
• [1] crewel hand sewing needle for sashiko thread
once you use the contents of your box, you can refill it with your own inspired collection.
i also added a small collection of plant-dyed wool-felt bundles. each bundle contains [8] 4” squares of wool felt that i plant-dyed in my home studio. i worked with chlorophyllin green, coreopsis, cutch, indigo, iron, logwood, madder, marigold, pomegranate, and quebracho. there is a slight variety in the colors within each bundle. they are packaged with a strand of hand-torn tea-dyed silk ribbon.
the projects abovelend themselves to small amounts of special fabrics. i love making patchwork projects and using my plant-dyed textiles to stitch flowers. my collection of 50 free sewing tutorials is filled with spring projects. happy stitching!
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
ideas morph and expand, inviting exploration May 03 2024
one project can lead to another, bringing light to new paths with unknown destinations. the designs from my 100-day project inspired a new small-batch collection of plant-dyed botanical tape measures, scissor slips, and tiny pin cushions stiched with wool felt that i dyed in my home dye studio. i used plants from my garden and amazing raw materials from botanical colors. you can find 12 different designs of each in my shop. spring is full of inspiration everywhere! hummingbirds are buzzing around, the bees are returning, and the flowers are beginning to show off. stitch up a little spring sunshine... my collection of 50 free sewing tutorials is filled with spring projects.
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work. warmly,
brightening my days with color March 02 2024

as of late, i wake each morning with great anticipation of embracing a new, brighter season…

i love working with the plant-dyed fabrics from my home dye studio. there is a subtle variation in the color and texture of the felt and gauze, and i feel so connected to the palette. coaxing color from plants has morphed from a hobby to an obsession. i stitched a small batch of these flowers with my home-dyed wool using thin silk thread and my favorite mohair/silk yarn from the lamb & kid. they are layered and dimensional and one-of-a-kind. i love how they turned out.
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you can find bunnies (and sheep, and birds, and flowers!) in my shop in anticipation of spring celebrations. despite the weather, spring truly is right around the corner. i have pulled together a collection of my spring favorites. you can find it here.

as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
PS: myra will never give up on trying to fit in tiny boxes.they seem to just keep getting smaller.

tiny notes for staying connected... February 17 2024
tiny notes are a way for me to connect to others and cultivate my ideas.
i feel most fulfilled when i am engaging with other people and taking the time to explore and expand on my ideas that surface throughout the day. tiny notes are a meaningful way for me to concentrate my thoughts - a place to jot down an idea, a sketch, or craft an intimate message to a friend. the confines of a tiny space eliminate overwhelm and invite creativity. the tiny notes pocket is the newest addition to my shop, though writing little notes has been a part of my routine for a while.
i keep my pocket nearby like someone might keep their phone. while i often have a slim simple journal or my extra large journal with me, there are times that i want something small and more versatile. the single papers can be taped into my journal or sent away in a letter. the tiny notes pocket is a kind of security, so a thought is not lost. i do love writing long letters, but sometimes a small engagement is what i crave and/or what i have time for. sending a passage from a book, a favorite poem, a shared memory, a dream, an idea, an apology, or a wish in the mail is so much more intimate than sending a text. often these little notes lead to a bigger letter, and i reach for my letter writing pocket.
happy stitching!
PS: frank built a cage for my embroidery floss, so now myra just gets a little bit to play with. she has let me know that she prefers full access.

for the love of stitching... February 03 2024
i truly love making small batch collections and one-of-a-kind designs.

recently i was on the quest for a new tape measure design - i wanted something a little more substantial, dense, and tightly stitched. a stack of fresh-leaf indigo dyed wool felt and a journal page filled with new botanical sketches led me to my perfect tape measure. i made a few more for my shop, which then inspired me to make an assortment of needle books, a colorful collection of plant-dyed tiny botanical pin cushions, and coordinating scissor slips. i love how they turned out.

here is a collection of one-of-a-kind heavily stitched hearts for valentine’s day. these are absolutely my favorite thing to make for the people i love. i get lost in the process of stitching...each heart is a little treasure, with a detailed design on the front and the back sides. you will find cats, dogs, birds, botanicals, houses, and a few other designs from the pages of my sketchbook.

the newest free sewing tutorial is a loving bear pin. this sweet and simple pin can be tucked into a love note, attached to a backpack, or pinned on to a coat. you will find many other projects for sending love (including the gift i gave jeff & myra: rat for a naughty cat) in the collection of over 45 free sewing tutorials on my site. happy stitching!
PS: jeff & myra are always underfoot. i think they love each other?
it’s hard to tell sometimes.

finding sunshine in a dye pot January 20 2024
these dark winter days have me craving the colors of summer.
i spent some time in my new dye studio and coaxed this cheerful palette from marigolds, quebracho, and madder root, all sourced from my dye garden and my friends at botanical colors. stitching with these fabrics feels like bringing sunshine into my studio. i made a small collection of little treasure boxes for my shop. each box is filled with an assortment of these textiles in different colors, weights, textures, and fibers.
i dyed three weights of wool (gauze, crepe, and felt), along with hemp, linen, and cotton gauze. i paired the plant-dyed fabrics with a bright assortment of mohair/silk yarn from the lamb & kid (colors vary in each box). i also tucked in a pair of sharp snips capped with fresh leaf indigo-dyed wool felt, and a small assortment of pins and needles. while i was trying to manifest summer, i also made a small collection of tiny pin cushions stitched with detailed floral designs. these plump little cushions are densely stuffed with crushed walnut shells to keep your needles sharp.
i felt inspired to turn some of the wool felt from my dying project into heart decorations. these hearts are a reminder to keep an eye on your heart, to keep an eye on the hearts of those you love, and to allow the hearts of others to watch over you. while this symbol carries different meanings for different people, to me it represents protection and loving care. this project is also available as a free sewing tutorial, stitch a few up for the people you love.
i hope you find some inspiration in my collection of over 45 free sewing tutorials - there are many projects that are perfect for valentine’s day crafting. happy stitching!
PS: myra has discovered the embroidery floss shelf
and my studio will never be the same.

reflections and a fresh page... January 06 2024

at the beginning of the year, i revisit the pages of my journals…
they tell of the past while informing my future path. i review the lists of completed and uncompleted tasks. as i flip through the pages, i can see trends in my ideas… the ones that kept appearing again and again and the ones that were forgotten. some fell through the cracks and get put on a new list, many were intentionally left behind. it is hard to describe how important these pages are to me. they ground me, remind me, and help me reacquaint with myself.

beginning the year with reflection on the past is a practice in letting go. it clears space in my messy head and allows me to start anew on the next fresh page. i choose what to carry forward into the new year, knowing that if i need a reminder of past inspiration, it is held safely in the pages of my old books. this year, i tidily wrapped up 2023 at the end of a book, so my first thoughts of the new year are in a brand new book. a true new beginning.
when i made myself my new handbound journal,
i made a handful of extras for my shop.
i only make these a few times a year and they sell out quickly.
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it is hard to bid farewell to things i love, but i am also excited about the new designs that have been repeated on the pages of my journals for quite some time. if you have had your eye on these scissor slips, pin cushions, tape measures, and zipper notions pouches- now is the last chance.
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i hope you find some inspiration in my collection of over 40 free sewing tutorials - there are many projects that are perfect for winter crafting (the theme above is sketching, list making, tea drinking, and intention setting). happy stitching!
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
PS: myra misses the boxes that were scattered around my studio during the holiday shipping frenzy. this tiny one will have to do for now.
12/11 is the last day for holiday orders! December 09 2023

if you have been considering a handmade gift from kata golda, now is the time to shop. december 11 is the last day i can accept orders to feel confident packages will arrive by december 25.
need some ideas? find the handmade holiday gift guide on my site.

…free sewing tutorials…
if you plan to stitch your own holiday gifts, i hope you find some inspiration in my collection of free sewing tutorials. you will find ideas for gifts, holiday and tabletop decor, and thoughtful packaging. if you need any plant-dyed fabrics, wool felt, and plant-dyed sashiko thread or silk ribbon you can find these supplies in my shop.
happy stitching!
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as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
PS: myra is ready for things to slow down.
she would prefer not to get kicked off my lap.
a handmade holiday gift guide December 02 2023
my once-tidy studio is currently an explosion of fabric scraps, bits of thread, DIY kit materials, and shipping boxes. and i love it. while i could never sustain this level of creative energy for the long term*, the holiday surge fills me up. i’ve pulled together a list of my favorite items for (almost) everyone on your shopping list, including things you can make with your own hands. i feel so grateful as your orders come in, and i hope you can feel the love and care that is in every package.
the last day for holiday orders is december 11.

while most of my (over 40!) free sewing tutorials can be made with remnants from your fabric stash, you can also find plant-dyed fabrics, wool felt, and plant-dyed sashiko thread and silk ribbon in my shop. i hope you find some inspiration in these projects. happy stitching!

as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
PS: apparently myra would like to be packaged up and shipped off for the holidays.
a small collection of tiny treasures November 25 2023

i am tucked away in my studio, buried in my threads and fabrics, making little treasures for the holidays. my hands are busy stitching woolen amulet bags, heavily stitched hearts, and wool felt flower pins as gifts for my dearest friends and family, and i made a small collection of these tiny treasures for my shop. they feel meaningful, intimate, and a little bit precious. i find so much delight in the process from start to finish - sketching ideas, selecting color palettes, and slow stitching the designs.

this is a perfect weekend to stay cozy and stitch up handmade gifts for those you love. i encourage you to dig into your stash of remnants and make your own tiny treasures. you can also find plant-dyed fabrics, wool felt, and plant-dyed sashiko thread and silk ribbon in my shop if you need materials to launch your handmade holiday projects.

need some ideas to get started? i have a collection of over 40 free tutorials on my website, i hope you find some inspiration in these projects. happy stitching!

as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
PS.. myra the studio assistant is NOT helpful. she also loves the cute little balls of mohair/silk yarn that are all over the studio these days.
from seed to studio: a homegrown & home-dyed treasure box November 20 2023

i love the challenge of using new colors, creating new color combinations, and using an unexpected color to highlight or shift the color balance. colors are like seasoning, used to change the flavor and surprise the palette. i dyed three weights of wool (gauze, crepe, and felt), the subtle shade difference between the fabrics is so beautiful. i have paired the plant-dyed wool with a bright assortment of mohair/silk yarn, i love the aura this yarn creates when it is used for embroidery projects.

this treasure box lends itself to small, patchwork projects or meaningful decorations like ornaments and amulets. i have gathered some ideas from my collection of free sewing tutorials. i hope you can feel the love and care that is bundled up in every box.

as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
shades of blue November 04 2023
i find that when i feel overwhelmed with grief and sadness about the state of the world, my stitching focus turns inward to small, intimate, meaningful projects.
i sew little treasures for people i love, i’m pulled to work with fabrics dyed with plants grown in my garden...shrinking my focus to a tiny part of the world that i can control. (while also supporting organizations who are truly helping people in crisis). blue amulets have been my favorite thing to stitch lately. originally featured in taproot magazine issue 57:BLUE, this project first stemmed from a towering pile of indigo-dyed linen that sits on the table next to my writing desk. the subtle shades of blues and greens are mesmerizing to me, a whole spectrum of sky and sea tones pulled from the leaves of one humble plant.

i have been making these for friends and for this enchanting shop in port townsend, and have now made a small collection for my website. they are a treasure to wear or to display as a decoration... hang one from a wall, from your rear-view mirror, over your bed, in a shrine. they make a very special gift and are truly handmade with love.
want to stitch your own? you can also find the DIY kit here.

i have also made a small collection combining my two latest obsessions: wool felt hand dyed with plants from my garden and stitching with mohair yarn. you can find a small batch of thick wool felt coasters and trivets in time for holiday entertaining and an assortment of hanging bud vases on my website (i received many requests for these after posting the tutorial). both are also available as free sewing tutorials.

if you have plans for holiday crafting and homemade gift giving, don’t forget that i have over 40 free sewing tutorials on my website. the newest project, thick wool felt coasters and trivets, are quick to sew and make a lovely gift. you will find plenty of crafting inspiration for the cool, dark days ahead.

the kata golda studio is open again! October 14 2023
my website and etsy are now open after a much needed break. i spent the past few months prioritizing my health after a scare and giving my body what it needed to recover. then i fully immersed myself in a summer of creativity in the dye garden, in my studio, and out in nature. i am now re-focused, energized, and feeling more inspired than ever. a small snapshot of my summer is below... the gorgeous palettes and stunning views are infusing my work.
what’s new? you will find new DIY kits inspired by my time on the road, where projects that fit in my pocket and could be easily worked on in my lap were the favorite: the DIY stitch the design kit,the DIY blue amulet kit, and the DIY floral uterus pin kit. i made limited quantities of my essential extra large handbound journal, the letter writing pocket with a bundle of essentials inside, and my foraging buckets. i also re-designed my bracelets and changed up the designs on the botanical coasters. it is a small new collection reflecting the colors i have seen in new landscapes, the flowers i have nurtured, and the love i have felt over the last 10 months.

2022 handmade holiday gift guide November 18 2022
note: the last day for guaranteed delivery by the holidays is
saturday, december 10
thank you for shopping handmade! i am working hard to fulfill orders. if you place an order after 12/10 i will work hard to ship it quickly, but i can not promise that it will arrive in time for holiday gifting.
why did i make this this holiday gift guide so early?
making things by hand takes time and the kata golda studio is smaller (yet busier) than ever.
i want to make sure that everyone receives their gifts on time.
the last day for holiday orders is december 10, 2022.
scissor slip • tiny sewing kit • pocket pal • little felt journal
bracelet • necklace • earrings
stitch the scene kit • sea star ornament kit • block printed stitching kit • plant-dyed linen amulet bag kit
stuffed companion DIY kit • snowy owl family DIY kit • pin tin DIY kit • pocket pal DIY kit
imperfect patch & little stitchings kit • plant-dyed fabric • plant-dyed sashiko thread • DIY bookbinding kit
photo album • letterpress printed & hand-stitched card • watercolor card • slim handbound journal
pocket purse • stitched handbound journal • notions pouch • DIY pocket purse kit
DIY crown kit • decorative silk ribbon • botanical stitched coaster • plant-dyed silk ribbon
stocking • DIY polar bear family • DIY animal face pin • DIY little deer garland
happy holidays!
a stitched keepsake October 22 2022
i just returned from a fiber tour in the UK with my mom.
it was a dream to be in this beautiful place together, surrounded by endless rolling hills, winding roads, wandering stone walls, and SO MANY SHEEP. while i am a huge fan of putting real photos in keepsake photo albums, i also love to make tiny densely stitched pieces as a travel memento. incorporating my favorite qualities from a landscape and capturing the essence of how it made me feel takes time. i pour through photos from my phone and sketches from my journal. i make piles of thread until the palette is just right. then, i begin the slow work of stitching. the finished piece feels intimate and special. it is a sweet snapshot of a truly wonderful adventure.
i recently wrote about this process for taproot magazine — ‘stitching the scene: a project that fits in your pocket to be worked on wherever you might find yourself.’ it can be found in issue 52::SAVOR. the article includes steps for creating your tiny drawing, tips for selecting thread colors, and instructions for assembling the stitched piece into a pocket or square that can be worn as a necklace or hung on a wall. it is always such an honor to be featured in the pages of this lovely publication.
do you feel inspired to stitch the scene?
grab a copy of the magazine for some ideas, or you can find desert, forest, and seaside stitch the scene DIY kits on my website. each kit includes detailed instructions with color photos, a piece of organic cotton/hemp stamped with the design template, a plant-dyed piece of organic cotton/hemp for the back side, cotton embroidery floss, alpaca/cotton yarn, and a sewing needle.
more free sewing inspiration can be found on my website
find halloween projects and so much more… over 40 tutorials to choose from. is it time to start stitching holiday gifts?
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
new collection: fall/winter 2022 October 08 2022
this new little collection includes refreshed fabric bundles and paddles of sashiko thread along with new DIY kits, fall-themed watercolor cards, and a 2023 desktop calendar. i continue to find endless inspiration in plant-dyed textiles, and i have refined my color palette this year to make it just right.
i REALLY love my cats, jeff and myra, who were the models for the kit.
click on any image to see what’s new at
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
back to school rituals September 19 2022

i love the start of the school year.
even though it has been years since the end of my summer was marked with the flurry of procuring school supplies for my daughter, i find that i still crave the ritual. i refresh my pencil case at the start of every fall: i consider the contents, replenish as needed, and make tool changes. this year i decided to embellish my pouches with plant-dyed sashiko thread and make myself some new scissor slips (find the free tutorial below).

would you like to stitch your own zipper pouch?
find the plant-dyed sashiko thread and notions pouches on my site (some are are on sale). you can also head over to instagram for a giveaway (win a notions pouch and a full palette of plant-dyed thread).

free sewing tutorials for back to school…
starting the ‘school year’ with my tool pouch refreshed, i made some new tips for my scissors out of wool felt scraps. i like to keep the tips of my scissors protected so they don’t poke through the fabric pouch. i love how they turned out. from the free tutorial archives: a pencil holder, pen & paper holder, book cover, weekly wall hanging, and a pocket pal (since some of us might need a friend to start the new school year).

as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade.
i feel so lucky to be able to do this work. enjoy the transition to fall…
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
studio update: a DIY sale and cat & dog hearts June 18 2022
i love having a portable project that i can pick up and work on wherever i end up. the heavily stitched cat & dog hearts (back sides shown below), the floral uterus pins, and the sunflowers for ukraine are just the right size for campsite stitching. all are available in the small batch collection on my website.
looking for a project? find FORTY free sewing tutorials on my website.
the latest addition is a little festive donkey wall charm.
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work. happy summer!
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
a well-worn apron June 14 2022
i wear one in the garden, i wear one when i sew, i wear one in the kitchen. i like to keep all of my supplies at hand, and i rarely have enough pockets in my clothes. the ability to complete a task with everything i need at my fingertips is so satisfying. my aprons are not precious - they are well-loved and they get dirty. i cover up stains and holes with patchwork. aprons get better with time - a well-worn apron is the mark of a creative life.

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do you have a favorite apron that could use some sprucing up? plant-dyed fabrics make the most wonderful patches, which means i never mind when i get a stain or a tear. i have bundles of linen in my new color palette (limited quantities), remnant envelopes that include various weights and colors, and organic cotton/hemp in small and large squares.

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want to sew your own apron? pick up issue 50::SOW of taproot magazine for my latest pattern. it is available online and at select independent retailers and libraries. this apron features reinforced pockets (so sharp tools don’t poke through) and an optional tool loop.

as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
a floral uterus fundraiser May 26 2022
i have added this pin to my collection of free sewing tutorials. take a stand and show your solidarity. make one for yourself, make one for a friend. make one for a supreme court justice.
even with everything happening in the world, i am flooded with hope in spring. i made a collection of wool felt evening primroses and frank patiently drilled holes in stones for me (while breaking all of his drill bits, oops!). i just love how they turned out. they are available as a single stem or in the drilled stone.
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
last chance for cups and planters! May 26 2022
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
raising a flower May 26 2022
i am raising a flower to those who teach and protect us,
to those who nurture and guide us.
as i stand in my favorite field, delighting in spring and all the budding and blooming, i am thinking about motherhood and all its meanings. i’d like to honor all the caretakers and nurturers who keep us rooted and help us bloom.
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explore the growing collection of 38 free sewing tutorials for inspiration for your next project. the newest is a single flower stem similar to the one pictured above, my most favorite project yet.
find made sunflower pins, DIY kits so you can make your own pins,
and a free sewing tutorial. a tiny way to show your solidarity.
100% of the proceeds benefit’s Ukraine Crisis Fund.
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
a new little collection for spring April 09 2022
what’s new at kata golda?
i have been very intentional lately about stitching things that bring me joy.
this means i have been refining the collection (thus, my big sale), refreshing old favorites (like the pocket purse kit and the photo albums) and making treasures for my small batch collection that i LOVE.
i hope that you find something that brings you a little joy too.
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free sewing tutorials for spring stitching…
find over 36 free tutorials on my website.
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my sunflowers for ukraine fundraiser is still going strong…
find made sunflower pins, DIY kits so you can make your own pins,
and a free sewing tutorial. a tiny way to show your solidarity.
100% of the proceeds benefit’s Ukraine Crisis Fund.
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade.
i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
spring cleaning sale... March 08 2022

i am making space in the studio for the new collection and bidding farewell to some old favorites. find deep markdowns on discontinued items, plain bags and pouches (ready for you to embellish!),
and treasures for kids of all ages.
see a small sampling below… find the full sale HERE.
my spring cleaning adventures led me on a deep dive into my 30+ year old rubber stamp collection. i decided that if i was going to keep them, i needed to find more ways to incorporate them into my daily stitching. i had so much fun playing with stamps, fabric scraps, and thread. i put some inspiration together in the
rubber stamp stitching sewing tutorial.
find that (and 33 other free sewing tutorials!) HERE.
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
imperfect, scrappy hearts January 22 2022
i love stitching imperfect, scrappy hearts.
some might think that valentine’s day is a corny holiday, and some might be quite reflective on their lives and their loves. this ‘holiday’ can stir up a lot of conflicting feelings. i think of it as a reminder to spread the love and spend time thinking about those we love.
even if it is your cats.
(i love my cats very, very much.)
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take a peek at the small batch collection of handmade hearts…
use them as inspiration (along with this tutorial) to make your own sweet gifts, or buy one for your love.
you will also find some special necklaces and little love notes.
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select jewelry is ON SALE! earrings, heart necklaces, and bracelets are 20% off through february 7.
♥️ use the code SPREADLOVE during checkout ♥️
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find everything valentine-related in the hearts & love collection
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free sewing tutorials! stitch up our own hearts, a gift bag to tuck them in, or a rat for your favorite (cat) valentine… you can find the projects (and so many more) on my website.
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
happy new year: journaling & letter writing January 20 2022
writing makes me feel less overwhelmed and more connected to myself. carving out the physical space and the time to take note is important to me. when i am writing, time disappears, and i have clarity and a sense of purpose. ideas flourish and plans fall into place. every year i promise myself that i will do more of it.
and so, once again, i start the year with this intention.
my journal is a fluid and informal chronology of my life.
i think that when we have well made, beautiful things we are more likely to use them in a meaningful way.
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as a little nudge to encourage your writing practice in the new year, i am offering 15% off all HAND-BOUND JOURNALS and WATERCOLOR & HAND-STITCHED CARDS through the month of january on
*use the code: TAKENOTE during checkout*

embroidered journals • simple & embroidered slim journals
extra-large patched (what i use) • indigo dipped • little felt

watercolor cards • letterpress printed & hand-stitched cards
(and so many more) on my website.

as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade. i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
the (early!) handmade holiday gift guide November 15 2021
why are you receiving this holiday gift guide so early?
making things by hand takes time, there are abundant postal delays, and the kata golda studio is smaller (yet busier) than ever! i want to make sure that everyone receives their gifts on time. the last day for holiday orders is december 13, 2021.
*i will tuck in a wool felt ornament with all orders placed on over $100 until 12/13/21. the watercolor calendar that was available with the code mentioned in the original newsletter version of this gift guide is now sold out.
plant-dyed organic cotton/hemp fabric
as always, thank you for supporting small makers and shopping handmade.
i feel so lucky to be able to do this work.
alison kaplan
kata golda handmade
tools for stitchers & scrappy free sewing tutorials November 09 2021
There is no shortage of sewing notions in my studio, yet I reach for the same treasured set time and time again. I made a collection that is practical and a little extra special to keep you company while you stitch… a thoughtful gift for anyone who likes to work with a needle and thread. Scissor slips, tape measures, and pin cushions are available individually or as a set. The set comes in a muslin gift bag with a plant-dyed silk ribbon tie.
It it always an honor to be included in Taproot Magazine. In the current issue 47::SUSTAIN you will find my piece “Using Every Little Scrap.” This concept is the root of my business. I find so much inspiration in my remnant bins, and I love the challenge of making use of all my off-cuts. Here are a few free sewing tutorials (see below) with scraps in mind. These are also sweet projects for holiday gifting.
foraging buckets & free fall sewing projects October 11 2021
My hands are always overflowing with the goodness of fall on my morning walks. There is much to collect from my daily loop… madrona berries after a good wind, seedpods from all sorts of wild growing plants, and brilliant fall leaves. I notice the ground more than ever at this time of year as it is reminiscent of my midwestern childhood with colorful and bountiful leaves underfoot, painting the landscape. Although the leaves are not as prolific here in the Pacific Northwest, there are other treasures to be found, like the blanket of pine needles that illuminate the path like a red carpet. A walk down a trail in a new landscape always brings its share of inspiration. Horse chestnuts with similar but differing shapes, acorns with their sweet little caps, and pine cones of all shapes and sizes.
This is the time of year that I am literally attached at the hip to my foraging buckets. In addition to collecting, it is the time for seed saving. I am attentive to the weather as I want to collect before the rain and before a big wind. I gather marigolds, scabiosa, calendula, nigella, hollyhock, and poppy. I do love the fact that many of the seeds will fall to the ground to reseed themselves and be carried off by the birds to grow in another place. I have added a small batch of my favorite foraging buckets to my website, find them HERE.
Want to sew your own collection of foraging buckets? This pattern was first published in Taproot Issue 38::FORAGE, and it is now available for sale on my website. I use these little buckets for so much more than foraging. They hold sewing projects and organize craft supplies in the studio. My mom loves to use them for knitting, she can loop the tie around her arm and knit on the go.
And don’t forget the collection of FREE SEWING TUTORIALS available on my website. You will find fall-themed projects to keep hands of all ages busy as we transition to darker and cooler weather.